Saturday, July 10, 2010

OVERBOARD......check it out if you have not seen it!! You wont be sorry!!

Remember Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell?  It is a classic!!  I remember seeing this in the movie theater when it first came out, and I paid $1.50 for a matinee price!  The same movie theater is now a "discount theater" and all the seats are $2.00 anytime!  LOL!  

Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn have been together for years but never married.  They are just the cutest couple!! 

Please check out some of the classic scenes on youtube!!  you wont be sorry!! 

here is the trailer

These are some of my favorite scenes

here are a few more :   ( short and fat?)  ( who am I ?) (she is cooking for the first time)

Let me know what you think!!


Theresa (aka) imhoneybunches

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