Saturday, June 26, 2010

Happy Saturday!

Well today there seems to be a lot of good movies on tv.  We just watched "Uncle Buck" on ABC Family station.  Its another John Hughes classic!  This movie is very funny!  I Love when "Uncle Buck" makes the large pancake, LOL!!!   The car he drove is just ..........LOL  I think we have all owned a car that was "unique"....  If you have a chance to watch this movie, please do you wont be sorry.  I think
"Wal-Mart" may have it in the 5-10 dollar bin.  Until tomorrow!


Theresa (aka) imhoneybunches

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday.......lets say "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"

Welcome to Friday!!

I think "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" is one of my favorite movies...  I like to say its my favorite!!  Talk about quotable!!!! 

Share with me your favorite "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" quote.  I have so many,.... I love the roll call!!!  Anytime I hear the song "Twist and Shout" I always picture the parade scene!!!! 

I love the line that he says...."Like I said... Life moves pretty fast if you dont stop and take a look around once in awhile .... you could miss it!"


Theresa (aka) imhoneybunches

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Welcome to Thursday

Good Afternoon and welcome to Thursday!

Well I just turned on the tv and a movie was just starting...............remember Napoleon Dynamite! Talk about a quotable movie!  Don't get my kids started on this one!!!   LOL just joking!   They have every line  down. its hilarious!!    "What are you gonna do today Napoleon......wahtever I want sheeesh!"  "your mom goes to college"    and  " build her a cake or something"    "I like your sleeves they are real big" .......When this movie came out my daughters drew on a blank paper with all the quotes and even drew a liger and a carton of milk (2%) , etc.  I still have it to this day!  I need to frame it!!! 

If you have seen this movie its is always worth seeing again!  To think that it was made on a low budget and made lots of money!!   If you have never seen the movie its a must see!!

Vote for Pedro!!!


Theresa (aka) imhoneybunches

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Welcome to Wednesday

Good Morning and Welcome to Wednesday.........Lets say "Waterboy Wednesday".....   If you are a Adam Sandler fan, ..............."Waterboy" is hilarious!!!  Great cast, and you gotta love how he always uses the same actors in all his movies.............that is loyalty to his friends!  There are so many Adam Sandler movies its hard to pick a favorite.   His movies are very quotable!  I Love quotable movies.  My family and I can have an entire conversation with movie quotes.  LOL!!   One of the quotes in Waterboy is "coach kline said I could!"  "Captin Insano shows no mercy"  and many more.  speaking of another one of his movies....."Big Daddy" when my family and I pass spaghettios we always have to say "Microsoft fell 3 points".......  and when we pass the frozen food section........."dont go into the frozen food section ..........."  and many many more.... I am sure there will be another blog later on another Adam Sandler movie......I cant wait to see "Grownups!".......................until then.......


Theresa (aka) imhoneybunches

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

tuesday .... lets say Tropic Thunder

Welcome to Tuesdays blog.  Since we are heading towards our arizona monsoon season, i just thought the title would be funny!!!  Tropic Thunder I thouht was a very funny movie, it has a great cast, with Ben Stiller, Jack  Black, Robert Downey Jr, etc.   Great quotable lines and if you enjoy parodies on war movies, and Forrest Gump, you will love this movie I promise!!!! 


Theresa (aka) imhoneybunches

Monday, June 21, 2010

Welcome to Monday

Hello and welcome to Monday!  I think the appropriate movie for Monday would be "Office Space"!
That has to be by far the best movie about working in an office !!!!  What are your favorite movie quotes of Office space?  I have several but the time they were in traffic and the elderly gentelman walking with his walker was going faster then the cars, if you have ever been stuck in traffic you can certainly appreciate that.  especially when you change lanes and the lane you just changed from moves up.  LOL!

Theresa (aka) imhoneybunches

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Last night my husband and I went to his mom and dad's to take dad his fathers day gift.  We got him a card/dvd.  The DVD was the  "the Good the Bad and the Ugly".  The outside of the dvd is the card that says "the Good the Dad and the DVD."  very cute Idea!  they had many other movies like this too!  But dad didnt have this movie!  I have never seen the movie before (shocking a movie i have never seen before, lol)!!!  It was really good!!!  Gotta Love Clint Eastwood!!!  I was just reading on MSN 10 top things that dad's have said and one of them was you cant go wrong with Clint Eastwood!  I agree he is awesome!!!

So happy fathers day to all dads present and future dads!!!  And dad's that have passed on we miss you terribly and you live in our hearts forever!!!

Theresa (aka) imhoneybunches